Men’s Ministry

We seek to disciple and equip men to know and follow Jesus

Come and learn with others what it looks like to be God's man—to live out Scripture in daily life while leading others and sharing truths in a way that transforms lives.

Men’s Study

During this 8 week Bible study, men gather to study, learn, and live out God’s Word. Each week you will hear a short teaching combined with table discussion with other men participating in Men’s Study.

Get Connected

Men’s gatherings are coming soon! We are planning the best events to provide a time for men at Harris Creek to connect and sharpen one another!

Start Serving

As members of the body, we have been equipped to serve the church through our giftings. Discover where your giftings are and get plugged in.

Looking to get connected?

Contact to set up a one-on-one meeting to learn more about the heart behind this ministry and how you can get involved.